Third National Flag of the Confederacy::
"The Blood-Stained Banner" (1865)

Excerpts from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The third national flag (also called "the Blood Stained Banner") was adopted March 4, 1865. The red vertical bar was proposed by Major Arthur L. Rogers, who argued that the pure white field of the Second National flag could be mistaken as a flag of truce: when hanging limp in no wind, the flag's Southern Cross canton could accidentally stay hidden, so the flag could mistakenly appear all white.

Rogers lobbied successfully to have this alteration introduced in the Confederate Senate. He defended his redesign as having "as little as possible of the Yankee blue", and described it as symbolizing the primary origins of the people of the Confederacy, with the St. George's Cross of the English and British flags and the red bar from the flag of France.

Assorted Confederate Flag Stickers
Assorted Confederate  ( #2421 )

Third Confederate Flag Decals
Third Confederate  ( #423 )

Third Confederate Iron-On Patches
Third Confederate  ( #8423 )


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